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Bitterness- Is the Cause of what you feel!

It is believed that the root of bitterness is the underlying cause of most mental and emotional conflict. God's Word tells us in Hebrews 12:15 "Looking diligently lest any man fail of [miss out on] the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled."

Bitterness is deceptive. Often it is confused with actions of outward anger or rage. However, anger is a response; bitterness is a resentment.

Most counseling clients will say, "But, I don't feel I'm bitter."

Bitterness is not what you feel. It is the cause of what you feel.

Bitterness is an inward resentment.
Bitterness is an anxiety.
Bitterness is a guilt.
Bitterness is a wounded spirit.
Bitterness is a fear.
Bitterness is an avoidance.
Bitterness is a sense of abandonment.
Bitterness is a sense of loss.
Bitterness is a sense of betrayal.

Now, you may be a very nice, moral, honest, and sincere person. However, chances are, you are a nice, moral, honest, and sincere bitter person.

Bitterness camouflages itself in many ways. Many counseling services focus on a person's actions and prescribe behavior modification techniques to help a person cope with their dilemma.

We need to focus more on the person's attitude, not their actions. We understand there are times when a person's behavior will betray their character. How they act in certain circumstances is not a reliable testimony of their true character.

If there is someone in your life, past or currently, that you inwardly resent, you are bitter. If you have a wounded spirit, you are bitter. If you have anxiety, fear, or guilt regarding a certain person or circumstance, you are bitter. And obviously, if you know of someone you avoid, you are bitter.

In Ephesians 4:31 God says, "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice." NOTICE that bitterness is first! When the attitude of bitterness is dealt with then most negative actions will begin to dissipate.

Attitudes give birth to actions.Before you can eliminate the confusing behavior in your life you must be positioned to eliminate your bitterness.

Right now you may be frustrated, confused, hurting, and concerned. As a Christian you may have prayed about it, prayed over it, and prayed through it, but still your soul is hemorrhaging with a flow of pain that is robbing you of the energy that is so vital to experiencing a life of joy and fulfillment.

How do you get free of bitterness?
The only remedy for our ills, the only panacea which can sweeten life's bitter experiences, is found in the Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ, in what He is and in what He has done for us in His sufferings and sacrifice. So, if you feel embittered and afflicted come to the cross and see Him suffering there in bitter pain and anguish for you. What came out of the bitter anguish which He suffered? Why, sweetness! Sweetness indescribable! - and it will be the same for you if you will trust Him.

Be encouraged

********************Letter # 18 (18. 5. 2003)*********************
Copyright @ A.Othniel. aocc@vsnl.com
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