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For Dads-Ways to Make More Time

If you’re a new father, get ready to make quite a few adjustments for the sake of your wife and kids. Being a good dad usually means sacrificing some activities that are precious to you—activities that you’ll really miss.

But, as “veteran” fathers can tell you, it’s worth it. There are few pursuits as rewarding as investing in those who will carry on your legacy.

One veteran father, Wade Horn, offers these ideas for how to make more time for your child—for new fathers as well as for dads who feel like they’re falling behind a little with their kids.

Idea number one: sacrifice one leisure activity. I know I may be stepping on sacred territory here—some of you are virtually addicted to golf or sailing or bowling. But, I’m really only asking you to prioritize your goals—especially while your kids are young. Who knows, as they get older, there’s the chance that you could rediscover that old hobby or sport with them at your side.

A related idea is this: trade one solitary activity for a family activity. Your solo mountain climbing expeditions could turn into family hikes. Trade your kayak in for a three-seat rowboat. Instead of going to the gym, go to the playground.

Third, look at your spending habits. Even if you’re not facing money challenges, a financial self-analysis often reveals your priorities. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

And finally, look into some creative work arrangements. If you use a computer most of the day, maybe your company would allow you to telecommute from home one or two days a week. Taking work home—instead of working late—may also be an option. Or, adjust your schedule to an earlier or later shift that better fits your family. Maybe a four-day week is a possibility. You never know unless you ask.

I’ve heard it countless times: at the end of your life, you won’t be thinking about your golf handicap, the biggest fish you caught, your career accomplishments or even your stock portfolio. You’ll be wondering what you should have done different with your kids. Dad, you can make that difference today.

Be Encouraged.

***********************Letter # 20 (1. 6. 2003)*******************
Copyright @ A.Othniel. aocc@vsnl.com
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